Lectionary Theme Beginning of Twenty five Days Lent |
01Friday |
First Lesson | Isa.2:10-22 |
Second Lesson | 1Thes.4:1-12 | |
Epistle | Gal.2:12-20 | |
Gospel | St.John.1:1-15 | |
Lectionary Theme Meeting of Virgin Mary and Elizabeth : The meeting that shares The Good news of salvation. (Bible Sunday) |
03 Sunday |
First Lesson | Gen.33:1-15 |
Second Lesson | 2Cor. 1:3-10 | |
Epistle | Rom. 15:5-9 | |
Gospel | St. Luke. 1:39-45 | |
Lectionary Theme Birth of John the Baptist John the Baptist: Greatest among those born of Women |
10 Sunday |
First Lesson | Mala.3:1-4 |
Second Lesson | Acts. 13:17-26 | |
Epistle | 1Cor..4:1-6 | |
Gospel | St. Luke. 1:57-66 | |
Lectionary Theme Annunciation to Joseph , Joseph - A Man of Higher Justice |
17 Sunday |
First Lesson | Zeph.3:14-20 |
Second Lesson | 1 Cor.13:1-13 | |
Epistle | Rom.14:13-19 | |
Gospel | St. Mat. 1:18-23 | |
Lectionary Theme Mar Thoma Church Day |
21 Thursday |
First Lesson | Joe. 2:11-17 |
Second Lesson | Rom. 12:3-18 | |
Epistle | 1 Cor. 3:1-9 | |
Gospel | St. John. 20:24-29 | |
Lectionary Theme Coming of the Saviour |
24 Sunday |
First Lesson | Isa. 11:1-9 |
Second Lesson | 1 John. 4:7-16 | |
Epistle | Acts. 3:19-26 | |
Gospel | St. John. 1:14-18 | |
Lectionary Theme Birth of Our Saviour. Good News to all. (End of Twenty five Days Lent) |
25 Monday |
First Lesson | Micah. 5:1-9 |
Second Lesson | Phil. 2:5-11 | |
Epistle | Gal. 4:1-7 | |
Gospel | St. Luke. 2:1-14 | |
Lectionary Theme With Christ in to the New Year |
31 Sunday |
First Lesson | 1 Sam.7:1-12 |
Second Lesson | Rev. 21:1-8 | |
Epistle | Rom. 8:31-39 | |
Gospel | St. Mat. 5:1 -12 |