Lectionary Theme Tithe Offering Sunday-Share for the Gospel (5th Sunday after Pentecost) |
02 Sunday |
First Lesson | Dut.14:22-29 |
Second Lesson | 1 Tim. 6:17-21 | |
Epistle | 2 Cor. 9:6-12 | |
Gospel | St.Luke.3:7-14 | |
Lectionary Theme St. Thomas Day - Discipleship as Readiness to die with Christ. |
03 Monday |
First Lesson | Isa. 8:16-9:3 |
Second Lesson | 1 Thes. 1:1-10 | |
Epistle | 2 Tim. 2:1-13 | |
Gospel | St. John. 11:5-16 | |
Lectionary Theme Clergy Sunday Priests: Ministers of the Kingdom of God (6th Sunday after Pentecost) |
09 Sunday |
First Lesson | Eze.33:l-9 |
Second Lesson | 1 Timo.6:11-16 | |
Epistle | Eph. 4:7-16 | |
Gospel | St. Mat. 9:35-38 | |
Lectionary Theme People of God: The body of Jesus Christ (7th Sunday after Pentecost) |
16 Sunday |
First Lesson | Josh. 1:1-9 |
Second Lesson | 1Cor. 12:27-31 | |
Epistle | 2 Cor. 5:16-21 | |
Gospel | St. Mat. 5:43-48 | |
Lectionary Theme Good News: Life Through Death (8th Sunday after Pentecost) |
23 Sunday |
First Lesson | Due. 6:1-17 |
Second Lesson | Eph. 3:1-13 | |
Epistle | Rom. 8:12-17 | |
Gospel | St. John 12:20-26 | |
Lectionary Theme St.James Day |
25 Tuesday |
First Lesson | Jere.26:1-15 |
Second Lesson | Acts. 8:1-11 | |
Epistle | Act. 11:27-12:3 | |
Gospel | St. Mark. 10:35-45 | |
Lectionary Theme Holy spirit who Empowers for Mission (9th Sunday after Pentecost) |
30 Sunday |
First Lesson | Isa. 61:1-4 |
Second Lesson | Acts. 1:1-11 | |
Epistle | Gal. 5:16 -24 | |
Gospel | St. John. 20:19-23 |